I made it home safely from orientation on Saturday night. After a long flight with several crying children and a fair amount of turbulence I was feeling very tired and somewhat irritable, which was only exacerbated when I realized that my luggage was still sitting on the tarmac at JFK airport in New York. But the pains of travel were definitely worth the training I received and the people I got to know during my time in Stony Point, New York for Orientation. In two short weeks we created a unique community of people with diverse backgrounds and interests united by a shared desire to uphold our baptismal covenant where we promise to "seek and serve Christ in all persons."
Please take a few minutes to meet the Young Adult Service Corps
Volunteers of 2013 by watching the video created by fellow YASC
Volunteer Ashley Cameron (
http://ashleyecameron.blogspot.com/). Click on
the link below for the video.
Together with over 25 other missionaries, I received cultural training, learned about the Episcopal Church's history of and relationship with missions work around the world, and explored some of the cultural areas of New York. We also had the opportunity to spend a day at Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, New York learning about spiritual practices. Here are some pictures!
Team Latin America and the Caribbean! |
My morning run at Stony Point Conference Center |
Holy Cross Monastery |
View from the Monastery |
Fire Hydrant Party in Corona, Queens |
Subway Station in Jackson Heights, Queens |
A Church in Astoria, Queens with services in English, Spanish, and Greek |
Chinatown |
Missionary Orientation 2013 |
Exciting! - Looking forward to the Honduras posts.